Frequently Asked Questions

How do I purchase tickets?

You can purchase Orchestra London tickets online, by phone or in person.

Where does Orchestra London perform?

Orchestra London performs at a variety of venues throughout the city, including Centennial Hall, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Best Western Lamplighter Inn, London Public Libraries, and others.

How long is a typical Orchestra London concert?

Performance length varies, but a typical Orchestra London concert runs approximately two hours with one intermission. Some concerts, like our Community events, run approximately 90 minutes with no intermission.

What should I wear?

There is no dress code. Anything that makes you feel comfortable is fine. Most people wear business-casual attire or slightly dressy clothing. During Red Hot Weekends concerts musicians and guest artists dress casually (and the audience is encouraged to as well).

Can I wear perfume or other scented products?

We urge you to refrain from using any scented personal products whenever you are attending Orchestra London events. Many of our patrons suffer from chemical sensitivities due to allergies or asthma, and their comfort and health can be compromised by the presence of scents.

When do I applaud?

Music may have more than one movement. It is customary to only applaud once the whole piece is over. Why? Holding applause between movements is considered to be respectful of the performers’ concentration and of musical continuity.

Can I take photographs?

Cameras and other recording devices are not permitted at any Orchestra London concert.

Can I use my cell phone?

Please turn off your cell phones, pagers and all other electronic devices before the concert begins. Please refrain from texting or reading emails as the light and noise is bothersome to those around you.

Are Orchestra London concerts accessible?

All concert facilities used by Orchestra London are wheelchair accessible. We are also proud to provide our patrons with assistance of our trained ushers who are available at all concerts to assist with any accessibility needs of our patrons.  To read our complete Accessibility Standard for Customer Service, please click here.

Can I bring my children?

Children 4 years of age and older may attend any Orchestra London concert with ticket purchase. However, we suggest the children be 10 years of age or older for Masterworks and Cathedral Concerts.

Orchestra London’s Cushion Concerts are designed specifically for children ages 0-6; however children of any age are welcome to attend.

Children of any age are welcome to attend the following special events (with ticket purchase where applicable): Family Christmas Pops, A Christmas Carol Community Concert. Parents of young children are advised that the volume of these concerts may not be appropriate for young children (excluding Cushion Concerts). Please call our Box Office with your questions/concerns.

Orchestra London staff/ushers will ask parents to take disruptive children out of the hall.